Pueblo de Cochiti Education Department
255 Cochiti Street/P.O. Box 70, Cochiti, NM 87072
Contact: Geraldine Jojola
Email: Geraldine.jojola@cochiti.org
Phone: (505) 465-3115 or (505) 465-3119
Fax: (505) 465-2203
New Mexico Tribal Scholarships
Hopi Tribe
Kykotsmovi, AZ 86039
Email: JTorivio@hopi.nsn.us or GSieweumptewa@hopi.nsn.us
Kathleen Sumatzkuku
1 (928) 734-3542
Mescalero Apache
Mescalero Tribal Education-Tribal ScholarshipATTN: Tribal Education Department
P.O. Box 227, Mescalero, NM 88340
Contact: Phone: (575) 464-4500
Fax: (575) 464-4508
Website: https://mescaleroapachetribe.com/tribaledu/
Kelton Starr, Education Director
Email: kstarr@mescaleroapachetribe.com
Kimberly Munoz, Career Counselor
Email: kmunoz@mescaleroapachetribe.com
Office of Navajo Nation Scholarship & Financial Assistance (ONNSFA) ONNSFA Central Administration
Rose Graham, DirectorP.O. Box 1870, Window Rock, AZ 86515
Phone: (928) 871-7444
Fax: (928) 871-7410
Email: onnsfa_admin@navajo-nsn.gov
ONNSFA Chinle Agency
Eltavisa Begay, Sr. Financial Aid CounselorP.O. Box 2358, Chinle, AZ 86503
Phone: (800) 919-9269
Fax: (928) 674-2331
Email: onnsfachinle@navajo-nsn.org
ONNSFA Crownpoint Agency
Bertha Davis, Sr. Financial Aid CounselorP.O. Box 1080, Crownpoint, NM 87313
Phone: (866) 254-9913
Fax: (505) 786-2178
Email: onnsfacrownpoint@navajo-nsn.org
ONNSFA Fort Defiance Agency
Maxine Damon, Sr. Financial Aid CounselorP.O. Box 1870, Window Rock, AZ 86515
Phone: (928) 871-7434
Fax: (928) 871-6561
Email: onnsfacentral@navajo-nsn.org
ONNSFA Shiprock Agency
Thoer Peterman, Sr. Financial Aid CounselorP.O. Box 1349, Shiprock, NM 87420
Phone: (866) 223-6457
Fax: (505) 368-1338
Email: onnsfashiprock@navajo-nsn.org
ONNSFA Tuba City Agency
Shirley Tunney, Sr. Financial Aid CounselorP.O. Box 370, Tuba City, AZ 86045
Phone: (866) 839-8151
Fax: (928) 283-3215
Email: onnsfatubacity@navajo-nsn.org
Pueblo of Acoma
Pueblo of Acoma Higher Education ProgramP.O. Box 307, Acoma, NM 87034
Contact: Leslie M. Vallo, Student Support Coordinator
Phone: (505) 552-6077
Work Cell: (505) 401-0016
Fax: (505) 552-6812
Email: lmvallo@poamail.org
Website: https://www.puebloofacoma.org/departments/department-of-education/student-support-services/hed/
Pueblo of Cochiti
Pueblo of Isleta
Pueblo of Isleta Department of Education Higher Education ProgramP.O. Box 1270, Isleta, NM 87022
Contact: Charlene Lucero, Executive Director
Email: Charlene.lucero@isletapueblo.com
Francis Mershon, Higher Education Coordinator
Email: poicholarships@isletapeublo.com
Phone: (505) 869-9790
Fax: (505) 869-7573
Website: https://www.isletapueblo.com/tribal-programs/educational-services/isleta-higher-education/
Pueblo of Jemez
Pueblo of Jemez Department of Education139 G Bear Head Canyon Rd, Box 60, Jemez Pueblo, NM 87024
Email: Scholarships@jemezpueblo.org
Phone: (575) 834-9102
Fax: (575) 834-7900
Website: http://www.jemezpueblo.org/education.aspx
Pueblo of Laguna
Pueblo of Laguna Department of Education
11 Rodeo Drive, Building A Laguna, NM 87026
Contact: Phone: (505) 552-9322
Fax: (505) 552-0623
Email: des@partnersforsuccess.us
Website: https://www.partnersforsuccess.us/
Pueblo of Nambe
Pueblo of Nambe Higher Education Scholarship
15A Bay Poe, Santa Fe, NM 87506
Contact: Paige Loretto, Education Coordinator
Phone: (505) 455-4426
Fax: (505) 455-2038
Ohkay Owingeh (formerly Pueblo of San Juan)
Ohkay Owingeh Department of Education
Contact: Aileen Lopez
Phone: (505) 852-3477
Email: aileen_lopez@education.oocs.org
Website: http://oocsorg0000.web803.discountasp.net/Default.aspx
Pueblo of Picuris
Picuris Pueblo Education Department
P.O. Box 127, Penasco, NM 87553
Contact: Phone: (575) 999-5726
Email: education@picurispueblo.org
Pueblo of Pojoaque
Pueblo of Pojoaque Education Department
Contact: Cristal Suazo, Director
Phone: (505) 455-4778
Email: csuazo@pojoaque.org
Website: https://pojoaqueeducation.wordpress.com/downloads/
Pueblo of San Felipe
Pueblo of San Felipe Education Department
Contact: KatieAnn Juanico, Education Director
Email: kjuanico@sfpueblo.com
Phone: (505) 771-9960
Website: https://sfpueblo.com/departments/education
Pueblo of San Ildefonso
Pueblo de San Ildefonso Scholarship (BIA) Education Department
Contact: Bernice R. Martinez, Education Manager
Phone: (505) 455-2635
Fax: (505) 455-2641
Email: bmartinez@sanipueblo.org
Website: https://www.sanipueblolibrary.org/public-notices
Pueblo of Sandia
Website: https://sandiapueblo.nsn.us/education/
Pueblo of Santa Ana
02 Dove Road, Bernalillo, NM 87004
Contact: Erica Padilla Saiz, College and Career Liaison
Email: erica.padilla-saiz@psaedu.org
Phone: (505) 771-6727
Fax: (505) 771-6782
Website: https://santaana-nsn.gov/index.php/education/
Pueblo of Santa Clara
Department of Youth and Learning
P.O. Box 580, Espanola, NM 87532
Contact: Gina Chavarria, Office Manager
Phone: (505) 692-6295 ex.1247
Email: gchavarria@santaclarapueblo.org
Pueblo of Santo Domingo
Contact: Shana Coriz | Education Coordinator
Phone: (505) 585-0109
Fax: (505) 555-5555
Website: https://santodomingotribe.org/education/
Pueblo of Taos
Taos Pueblo Education and Training Scholarship
For Spring 2024
Application deadline: December 18, 2023
All Taos Pueblo enrolled students are eligible.
Apply here: www.taospuebloeducation.com
Questions: Contact Shirley Trujillo or Amanda Flores at (575) 758-5990.
Education/Training Division, P.O. Box 1846 885 Star Road, Taos, NM 87571
Contact: Shirley Trujillo, Employment Specialist
Email: strujillo@taospueblo.com
Phone: (575) 758-5990 /Fax: (575) 737-5140
Pueblo of Tesuque
Contact: Charlene Quintana, Education Coordinator
Phone: (505) 303-1260
Email: cquintana@pueblooftesuque.org
Pueblo of Zia
Contact: Jonathan N. Pino
Phone: (505) 867-3304 ext. 248
Email: jnpino@ziapueblo.org
Marsha Leno, Education Director
Phone: (505) 867-3304 ext. 267
Email: mleno@ziapueblo.org
Pueblo of Zuni
P.O. Box 339, Zuni, NM 87327
Contact: Bernadette Panteah, Division Director
Lorelei Sanchez, Education Coordinator
Phone: (505) 782-5998/5909
Email: zecdc@ashiwi.org
Website: http://www.ashiwi.org/ZECDC/TribalScholarship.html
Ysleta Del Sur Pueblo
Contact: Phone: (915) 872-8648
Fax: (915) 872-8651
Website: https://www.ysletadelsurpueblo.org/tribal-services/department-of-tribal-empowerment/education-division