Convocation 2024

By Milam Shah

August 12, 2024

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Starting the 2024 School Year

Northern New Mexico College marked the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year with a spirited Convocation ceremony, uniting faculty and staff in a celebration of the college's unique strengths and shared goals. The event, held in the college event center, was a time to reflect on Northern's rich history, honor dedicated educators, and look forward to the year ahead.

President Hector Balderas opened the ceremony with a warm welcome, expressing his pride in the Northern community. He highlighted the college’s special qualities, reminding everyone that Northern stands out because of its deep roots and long history. "Northern has something that many other colleges don't—a legacy that stretches back for generations," President Balderas said. "This history is our strength, and it’s important that we remember it as we continue to grow and innovate. Our past is what sets us apart, and it gives us a strong foundation to build on as we work to support our students."

He also praised the college’s "Eagle spirit," a symbol of the community’s resilience and determination. He spoke about how Northern’s faculty and staff have always managed to do more with less, using creativity and commitment to overcome challenges and provide students with the best possible education.

President Balderas emphasized that Northern’s vision is to ensure that every student receives the support and resources they need to succeed. He shared his passion for the ongoing renovations across campus, explaining that these improvements are about more than just updating buildings—they’re about creating a learning environment that reflects the college’s commitment to excellence. "Our students deserve the best, and that means providing them with top-notch facilities where they can thrive," he said.

The Convocation also served as a moment to celebrate the outstanding contributions of faculty and staff. Joshua López was honored with the Staff of the Year award for his dedication and hard work. Dr. Steve Cox received the Faculty of the Year award in recognition of his excellence in teaching and commitment to students. Shelby Roberts was named Adjunct Faculty of the Year, applauded for her passion and impact as an educator. 

President Balderas took a moment to specifically acknowledge the hard work of Frank Loera, Joe Padilla, and the entire Technical Trades Department team. He praised their dedication, noting how they’ve gone above and beyond in serving the community and actively recruiting students to Northern. Their efforts were recognized with the prestigious Eagle Award, highlighting their invaluable contribution to the college’s mission and the broader community.

Additionally, the college recognized faculty and staff for their years of service, highlighting individuals who have completed 1, 5, 10, and even 20 years of dedication to Northern. This acknowledgment underscored the deep commitment of those who have helped shape the college over the years, contributing to its enduring success.

Dr. Guerrero also introduced new faculty and staff members who are joining Northern this year. Their introduction added to the sense of renewal and excitement, with fresh perspectives and energy contributing to the college's mission.

As the Convocation drew to a close, the mood was one of optimism and anticipation for the year ahead. Northern New Mexico College is poised to make the 2024-2025 school year one of growth, innovation, and continued dedication to its students. With a strong respect for its history and a clear focus on the future, Northern is committed to giving students the best education possible, ensuring that they are well-prepared to achieve their dreams and contribute to the community.

In President Balderas’s words, "As we honor our past and look forward to the future, let’s remember that Northern’s legacy is one of strength, resilience, and excellence. Together, we will continue to provide our students with the best education and opportunities, helping them succeed in every way."

Adding to the festivities, the college also celebrated President Hector Balderas’s birthday, marking both the start of the school year and his special day with joy and appreciation. The celebration highlighted the strong sense of community and support within the college.