Dr. Bryan Malone accepted his doctorate in the field of software engineering from Colorado Technical University. He is currently serving as a professor of Information Engineering Technology in the College of Engineering at Northern New Mexico College. His primary interests are software engineering, object-oriented analysis and design, software testing and metrics, and scalable network design.
Dr. Malone dissertation research results were co-published in 2016 in the IEEE Transactions on Reliability on The Use of Security Tactics in Open Source Software Projects, Volume: 65 Issue: 3. He presented at various conference proceedings in 1999 on: Two Different Approaches to Online Course Offerings, League for Innovation in Community Colleges conference on “Information Technology” in Chicago, IL; Online Training Tools for the Internet in the Stop Surfing-Start Teaching National Conference: Teaching and Learning Through the Internet in Myrtle Beach, SC; and Web-based Student Satisfaction Surveys for the New Mexico Higher Education Assessment Conference in Albuquerque, NM. Dr. Malone has consulted the last 15 years developing secure in-house customized software systems, equipment specification, installation and maintenance. He has continually designed and implemented LAN/WAN configurations for integrated voice-over-internet-protocol systems. He has developed website and database warehousing integration, email services and support of secure remote user access to critical system components. He has integrated database design and development with front-end/back-end web-based applications to support multiplatform application program interfaces.
Dr. Malone brings over 25 years of educational experience including graduate-level development and delivery at Pennsylvania State University and Regis University and was course lead in Object-Oriented Analysis & Design 2001 to 2007. He has also provided Corporate Training on various Microsoft certification paths from 1991 to 1999. He has continually provided faculty and staff training from 1990 to 2003. In 2001 he received Faculty Special Recognition at Regis University. He was honored with Who’s Who Among American College Teaching in 2000 and 2002 at New Mexico Junior College and Colorado Christian University.